Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What has happened to American Rap & Hip/Hop?

I am old enough to remember when Rap & Hip/Hop hit the music scene, though it was not initially my kind of groove I did respect the fact that it was protest music and had a lot to say. I really started to take notice after Grandmaster Flash brought out The Message and White Lines, because of this I became aware of bands like NWA and Public Enemy as well as artists such as Ice T, all very angry, all having something important to say, all worth listening to and taking note of. Compare this with the narcisstic, egotistical, materialistic crap that is what Rap & Hip/Hop is now. As I see it it has all just become about ing glocks, chasing bitches and ho's, hanging with homies in the hood and bling bling bling, look at my clothes my house my car my gadgets etc etc etc ad nauseum. Where is the protest music, where is the anger at government, at State at The Man. If anything nobs like P DIddy and Fiddy are doing their best to emulate The Man, it's all about being a CEO on the board of a company franchising **** eveywhere, they have become everything that the early rappers were shouting against. After Katrina the US government shafted the people that were affected, majority of them black, yet there was a deafening silence from all those Rap & Hip/Hop artists, the only song I heard, though you had to see the video to link it to Katrina, was a cover of an old Skids song, The Saints are Coming, by U2 and Green Day! The only artists I have been able to find that are using their brains are Dead Prez and Paris can anyone point me in the direction of more artists that have more to say than how much stuff and girls they have?

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