Sunday, August 7, 2011

Can you interpret the following paragraph?

"The horrid Vice of Swearing has long been a reproach to the Back Inhabitants, and very justly--for few Countries on Earth can equal these Parts as to this grievous Sin. But has it ceas'd since the Admission of rambling Fanatics among us? I grant that it has with and among many, whom they have gain'd to their Sect. Yet still it too much prevails. But the enormity of this Vice, when at the Highest, produc'd no Evils, Jarrs, disturbances Strifes, Contentions, Variance, Dissimulations, Envyings, Slanders, Backbitings and a thousand other Evils that now disturb both the Public Places and repose of individuals. So that where they have cast out one Devil, Seven, and twice Seven others have enter'd In and possess the Man". This is confusing me.

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