Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why do white people have "indian village" summer camps and "Indian princess" girl clubs?

I was at the store and i saw this white dad and daughter wearing plastic "native' outfits and their were in some type of girl scout type group, and the same summer i saw a group of "indian guide" white boys boy scouts Style group. The white kids had fake teepees(tipis) and a fake totem pole and they were accidentally mixing like 3 different tribes in their little "indian camp". I know most white are racist to Natives and believe the same old les about native history. But i dont understand why they USE so much of our culture. They have native "mascots" for their colleges and now these so called "native" groups for little WHITE kids to play india and brag about their 1.0997664 percentage of "possible" cherokee is with all these culture stealing?...wasnt the white race satisfied with stealing the land?

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