Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I buy a kerosene heater?

I am planning to move into an old house recently that has no central heat and air and no propane heaters in it. From what I have read online kerosene heater would seem like the better choice for me despite the cons of them. The 2 rooms are about about 180 sq. ft. The other two are like 100 sq. ft. The electric heaters I have bought have not been putting out enough heat and the oil filled radiator I had bought seemed like it did not get hot fast ehough. help please.

How does water retention from increased sodium effect you?

Is it good for you.. or bad or neither or both. My diet has a lot of salt in it when i'm eating healthy to loose fat. These salts come from tuna, hot sauce, bran cereal, jalapenos, bread, and other such foods. So what if I retain water? Isn't water good for me... i'm fine with looking bloated if these foods help me loose fat and then after I have lost fat I can reduce a lot of the sodium in my diet. So what's the deal with water retention caused by sodium?

Why are some people so concerned about race . I have seen some very ignorant questions on this sight?

Basically some of the questions range from why are black people so rude and loud to comments like all blacks are welfare reciepients just because they wear certain clothes. I think what happens is the thoughts of conscience and unconscience racism and beliefs about certain races are ped down generations and taught through generations. its amazing how many people today in 2008 have so many racists thoughts and it saddens me. why cant people just live there lives work, spend time with there family and friends, old and new whatever there race and just be happy and content?. also i think the thoughts that have been ped down were purposely placed so that there would be an invisible mental block from any race to keep them thinking at the level they are meaning black white asian hispanic or any race the person may be done to keep a level of separation or it could be the level in society such as cl that affects the way people think. whatever the case may be cant we all get along ?

Any Cavarlier King Charles Spaniel Breeders in YORK or LEEDS?

not in uk and do not breed them but here are a few names: Charlie, champ, kingsley, oliver, oscar, tatun

Name this song performed in "what's love got to do with it? movie"?

What's the name of the song performed by Angela Bet in "What's love got to do with it". I know there was more than one. To be more specific it's from the scene where Angela (or Tina) was recording a song made for her by a another producer. She was wearing a white vest and red shirt with a big orchestra playing behind her. Help me out, what's the name of the song?

In the media I keep hearing the words real people. What are they refering to?

on a comercial for activia yogurt, jammie lee curtis say "we asked real people to try this" what is she if not real?

Help Parabola Question?

A parabola has its vertex at (-3,2) and its focus at (-3,-1). Write the equation for the parabola, the Directrix, and the axis of symmetry

So why are the girls from the girls next door splitting up?

Holly is dating Criss Angel now and Kendra I think is with someone from the Philadelphia Eagles. Not sure what's going to happen with Bridget. Hugh already has 2 new girlfriends though they're identical twins.

Why am i not losing weight?

I have been on a diet for a month now and have only dropped a few pounds. I am 5"4' and weigh ten stone. For breakfast I am eating Bran Flakes, an apple mid morning, salad sandwich and apple for dinner and then beans on toast on an evening. I am drinking four pints of water every day and exercising for at least one hour each day. I am not snacking and am trying really hard but the weight doesnt seem to want to come off - any ideas why?

Does anyone know anyone whom wastes food?

ya many people do that and i think its shame that so much food is going to waste. but some food is not "savable" just has to be thrown away!!! i personally can eat leftover food the next day only,,,after that i throw it out! and i dont usually ask for my food to go when am done eating in a resto!! but if its a huge partyt and there s tons of food leftover than i think the food shud go to charities n places like that!!

Were The Major U.S. Election Results Of 2006 Proof America Is Now Post-Neocon?

The arrogance of the neo-cons, try as they did to hide it, finally became apparent to the mainstream.

I feel like I don't belong in this time period? Is this normal?

No, I'd have to place that in the Uncommon category. Teenagers are always alienated, but this is freshish ground on how to be so.

How did the Portland Trailblazers acquired Rudy Fernandez?

On June 28, 2007, Fernandez was taken 24th overall in the 2007 NBA Draft by the Phoenix Suns, The Phoenix Suns traded his draft rights along with James Jones to the Portland Trail Blazers for cash on draft night.

When God raised Jesus from hell did Jesus feel God had forsaken him seeing God left Jesus in hell for 3 days?

those verses do not say Jesus went to hell......... he did not..... He went to Paradise, where those faithful to God, who had ended their mortal time, waited for Him to come to take them to Heaven.... which he did when he left his mortal body on the cross

Have you been conned by an African?

Many Africans who come to Malaysia as students are here on fake scholarships and they are here to swindle single women and students. They come up with all sorts of sweet talking scams and have swindled many Malaysians of millions of ringgit. It has been reported that they have done this in other countries and come here to splash their ill gotten cash to swindle more.

Why is my husband hurting my heart?

I have been with my husband for 4 years,and we got married last year in july. we wrote our own vowels and as we read them on our wedding day we both shed tears,he lost his mom and i lost my dad. through out the years we have been together,he has lied to me,he is talking to other women,they r calling his phone and he denies it and this has been going for years now. on christmas my husband went out of his way to surprise me with a diamond neclace and a card and he wrote in it. it says he is so glad that god blessed him with me. im confused i thought when u love someone u dont hurt them. i am a christian and i have stuck it out through the pain and tears, i believed god would change him, i am so scared right now,cause he looked me in my eyes and said im not in love with u anymore and he cant help the way his heart feel. and then today he said he love me and he wants to go back to church and let god handle it,so i agreed and now he says he is thinking that we should get a divorce,im so confused. those words that he said really hurt me to my soul,i have been faithful i have tried talking to him and as my tears hit the floor he looks at me and says he is not in love anymore,and when my phone rings he is always asking who i am talking to, i dont get it.i prayed and i prayed that he will love me again, but now im so scared that if he says he wants to try again my answer would be no now. what does that mean,y does the pain in my heart hurting me so badly. please give me some encouraging words and some honest advice.. thank u

Modification help?

wher is this junction, u can modify it if near chd at panchpula automobiles or vehicleades at pathankot

How to solve hungary toxic spill?

I have to write a paragraph on ways Hungary could deal with the effects the spill with have(poisoned farm lands, possible radioactive particles, contains lead harmful to children, airborne dust causing respiratory problems, contain the spill ect.) I'm not sure how they could deal with it, any ideas? Thanks!

What is your opinion about this guy? Please help!?

We were friends freshman year of college and were roommates sophmore year in a house with another student. We were friends and hung out, but everything was 100% platonic. I had a BF that I was totally in love with and didn't think of my roommate that way at all. I think at first he had a crush on me though, because my friends told me that, and he tried to cuddle me on the couch once but I just jumped up "to go to the bathroom" and pretended it never happend. Later I moved out to my own 1 bedroom apt, but we have remained in the same circle of friends (it is 1.5 years later). 8 months ago me and my BF broke up. I have been single and slowly developed a huge crush on my friend/ex-roommate. He never makes a move. I don't know if he doesn't like me, he is afraid because I rejected him once, or he is just shy. He's 22 and had 1 gf in highschool for like 2 weeks, but never another, so I know he's shy with girls. I flirt with him, and I think I make it obvious. What else should I do?

What do you think about affirmative action?

just unfair..why should some people get into harvard medical with a b average? and is that really wise when people need the best heart surgeons/doctors/etc?

I like my best friends brother. awkwardddd :/ help?

I made out with my friends brother and went out with him for a while, but she was okay with it. I really dont think it's that big of a deal if your friend doesn't care. Age doesnt matter in a relationship unless if they are old enough to be your parents which he obviously isn't. But maybe he hasnt been talking to you because maybe he thinks that you like him. Some people are like that cuz its weird for them. dont bother him that much thats not gonna do u any good.

Do I have cancer or a brain tumour or am I paranoid?

All day, I feel depressed everyday for the last 2 months. I feel my heart beating and stomach vibrates. My head hurts a few times a day, most of the day I see dots or flashing lights which get a lot worse at night. At night if I close my eyes I see monsters or aliens, if I open my eyes I see monsters or aliens or other things. As well the little dots and everything around me like the ceiling,curtains all move around like your drunk. I have a voice in my head his name is Jake, he asks me to kill my self and says Im a low life sbag whose life is hopeless, as well he is nice to me and helps me with decisions. And what to do next but he not always their he just comes through the day. Well of it come through the day at different times or at the same time. I can contact him whenever I want the other stuff just comes and go throughout the day but normally something always happening. When I have these things at night which wont go away my body nerves make me move like jumping in air of the bed while lying to a different possision. Yesterday night a monster attacked me while my eyes closed and he whacked me in the eye! I'm only 17, and I'm not doing drugs. Iv lost 5kgs in a short amount of time and I eat a lot. I think about 6 months ago I was just under 50 kgs so about 49kgs now I'm 46 kgs and Iv been eating a lot of food apart from breakfast. I have a cough and a cold. Iv felt emotional for ages and about 1 hour ago I just broke down and started crying. I either feel really emotional or 100 people could die around me and I wouldnt drop a tear.

Why haven't I seen any asian(oriental) person with Brit accent?

Is it just me? We know there are so many Asians with american accent but why is it extremely rare to see an Asian person with a British accent? Or even Irish accent?

Don't you think the Asian garment is beautiful?

nope. dnt like it. when i read "Asian" I thought you meant something along the lines of Japanese, or Korean traditional garments. now THESE are beautiful.

After how many days should i fill the distilled water in each cell of a non-sealed battery ? thanks?

You have either a crack in the battery case or you alternator is over charging your battery and boiling the water out. If it's over charging you should see a mist on the top of your battery.

What do you think of my sonnet?

Good topic, nice perspective. I am not hot on poetry so I would not have the audacity to comment on improving it beyond that it may be improved by a third or forth section, on a subject as large as peace it seems a shame to have it so short.

English Question: What do you think i mean/meant?

yeah you should use meant because person b already used mean and it also sounds better don't you think? its all up to you how you feel about it. you wont get it grammatically wrong it you put either of them. i have used both of them in the same context in school loads of time and the teacher said it was okay

Think maybe the US should "come clean" about so many lies? Not enough interest/support in attacking Iran?

We can't come clean. Then they would know that we have never entered a war under a valid reason. We made sure we either got attacked or made it look like we got attacked so that we can smack the American beehive and make them go blow sh*t up. Plus how many people would get mad that all of the conspiracy theorists were right and THEY were the crazy ones. Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin, Bay of pigs, Pearl Harbor, Iran Contra, 9-11. That's alot of lies to come clean about at once. (though most of those are already released to the public) We are on a war path to china, and the path lies through Iran. Look at a map of our military installations.

What has happened to American Rap & Hip/Hop?

I am old enough to remember when Rap & Hip/Hop hit the music scene, though it was not initially my kind of groove I did respect the fact that it was protest music and had a lot to say. I really started to take notice after Grandmaster Flash brought out The Message and White Lines, because of this I became aware of bands like NWA and Public Enemy as well as artists such as Ice T, all very angry, all having something important to say, all worth listening to and taking note of. Compare this with the narcisstic, egotistical, materialistic crap that is what Rap & Hip/Hop is now. As I see it it has all just become about ing glocks, chasing bitches and ho's, hanging with homies in the hood and bling bling bling, look at my clothes my house my car my gadgets etc etc etc ad nauseum. Where is the protest music, where is the anger at government, at State at The Man. If anything nobs like P DIddy and Fiddy are doing their best to emulate The Man, it's all about being a CEO on the board of a company franchising **** eveywhere, they have become everything that the early rappers were shouting against. After Katrina the US government shafted the people that were affected, majority of them black, yet there was a deafening silence from all those Rap & Hip/Hop artists, the only song I heard, though you had to see the video to link it to Katrina, was a cover of an old Skids song, The Saints are Coming, by U2 and Green Day! The only artists I have been able to find that are using their brains are Dead Prez and Paris can anyone point me in the direction of more artists that have more to say than how much stuff and girls they have?

This has been a rough year for WWE?

Yes, It has, and if they don't do something it is going to get worse. Some of this story line junk is too much. Then they wrestle the same people together over and over. It is getting boring to me. They need to revamp.

If you had no det, and few expenses...?

would you keep your 40 hour a week job, or put more time into doing something you enjoy doing on your own (building cedar strip canoes for me) but make less money at?

Zodiac cancer males - can a girl(friend) ever be too clingy?

I personally would drop the guy altogether. Long distance is very difficult to work. Abroad is simply doomed to fail.

What is your definition of a ?

Or any other inappropriate word for a promiscuous woman. What about a promiscuous man? In your own opinion.

What is a good slogan for if i want Julius Caesar elected as president, i was trying to convince ppl to vote?

This is a school project and the teacher wants us to make a poster and add a slogan to convince people to vote for an emperor

Do Atheists & idol worshippers have a convincing excuse or justification for not believing in God?

As a christian, don't be too quick to judge. You know, before you knew so much about the bible, you really didn't have too much "justification" or "convincing excuses" either

Guys... Girls and skinny jeans and uggs?

Guys what do you think when girls wear skinny jeans? Also do you think bootcut jeans arnt as attractive as skinny???? What are your thoughts of Ugg boots????

How much does it cost to publish a book?

I understand that it costs money to self publish a book, but what if you are through a publishing house? Is there a difference? I wouldn't mind some enlightenment on the process, or if there is a site that could go into a little more detail.

Mother Pomeranian After Giving Birth?

My pomeranian, Sadie, just gave birth last night to her second litter. She had 2 puppies, but they were still births.. And I know its because she's old. But I'm afraid now, I don't know what to do for Sadie, because she doesnt have the puppies? What will happen? What do I do? Her first litter was fine, healthy. I'm so confused, I can't take her to the vet either.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is my dietary breakdown healthy?

Hi, I am an eighteen year old male vegan. My daily calorie intake tends to fall around these numbers: 59% carbohydrates, 18.1% protein, and 22.9% fats. I'm wondering if these are good numbers or if I need to work on shifting my balance. Thanks!

Should I pick up a new propane cylinder?

Okay I'm going camping this weekend and I'm trying to figure out if I need a new propane cylinder for my camp stove. It's 2 burners, and I bought my propane cylinder in June. I think I used it for an hour and a half. We'll be using it this weekend, probably for about 2 hours total. Should a grab a second one or am I good?

How to know if a boy is looking at you...without looking directly at him?

There is this boy in my homeroom and idk I think he might be looking at me at times. I want to know if he is but i dont want to catch me looking at him while hes looking at me.

Gosh. I want to know if he likes me.?

Its really hard to tell but, It sounds like he kinda likes you girl. Try to be friends with him and see where things go. If he touches you genly touch him back like a nudge on the elbow, look into his eyes and see if he looks back, Talk to him more often; Just be chill don't make it too obvious that it looks like your desperate, trying to get a guys attention!

What is the zip code of kuwait?

There is no zip code for Kuwait the country. Each area within Kuwait has a Postal Code that is different so it depends on which city or area you are mailing to. A code for Kuwait City is 13001.

How do you like my Asian Music Countdowns?

I make Asian music countdowns on youtube. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I just started so I understand I won't get tons of views yet, but I would like to have some feedback on some of my videos.

Why is only the existence of Israel , questioned?

because they are a Christian nation living in a Muslim area where Muslims have been moved off the land to make way for them.........u can understand why they are peeved

The following organizations and “people” are aligned against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week: (all Lefties)?

The more that I look at it, the Democratic Party is becomming a Communist party...Socialize this, socialize that...if that witch clinton get into office, the civilized world as we know it will end......

How do I stop my husky from peeing and defecating inside while I'm gone?

Crate train in smaller increments 15 min, then 30 min, then an hour, etc; gradually increase the amount of time in the crate. Give him a special treat that he only gets when he goes in his crate. Try and make it one that he loves that lasts longer, like a rawhide or a dental bone. I would recommend crating your other dog in the room with him to reduce the separation anxiety. Make sure you get a crate that has two latches for extra security; don't get plastic. If this doesn't work (i.e. the dog hurts himself when crated) consult a professional. Hope this helps!

I just saw a guy (Best OF Best!!!) having 104% Best Answers and challenges anyone to better his BA percentage?

This guy's nickname here in YA is Best OF Best!!! His profile statistic says 21 Answers in total out of which 22 have been awarded as Best Answers....... I am completely foxed as to how he has managed to do this!!

Do you agree channel 7 should get their right whack for buying alleged stolen doents?

Agree with you 100%, channel 7 will regret this for a long time to come. Cheap tacky journalism should have no place in the AFL, and that journo should be made to go a few rounds big bad Bazza

Do you think I'm pretty?

Thai guys would find you are cute, It is a move up for a Thai man to have a white girl, but beware he will/may be looking more in your wallet than at your body. Thai man are not know for being faithful that is why they got this bad rap here. What I am saying is he may be looking for a sugar mommy so you have to be careful. They also don't show emotion or romantic like western man can be. It's a different cultural here and take time to understand people.

Article about Paula Abdul...?

I see an article about Paula Abdul getting a "hosting gig" on yahoo, but I can't access the link. Can anyone tell me what it says? Thanks!

Please help me! i dont know what to do!!! best answer gets 10 points.?

ok so this is going to be long. but i would really appriciate it if you read it and hepled me out.ok so theres this guy named joey. we were such good friends. i mean REALLY good friends. we talked A LOT, he gave me his cell phone number FIRST, i went to his out (only outside) and talked for a long time, we text, we slow danced, we always waved, and he always bugged me, ect. and all my friends are like omg ashley he likes u!! OMG OMG im like u guys i dont care he is a year i dont know if he likes me. well joeys not really a "popular" guy in his cl he dont got much friends, im not saying thats bad. and so one day i was with my friends and i DID want to go out wiht him and hes like umm i dont really want a gf , i dont think im ready, i totaly undersood that. so we didnt even look at eachother for about 5 months. but we texted ALL THE TIME. and when we text we text for hours, and i can tell that he enjoys it and i enjoy it. well anyways..he was "working" and his friend took his phone and texted me and is like hey so who do u like? and im like idk and hes like is it me? and im like idk and hes like well i like u and im like ooo kool and then hes like so will u go out with me and im like r u kidding or r u serious? and then joeys like o srry that was mike, and i got SO mad and im like well tell mike hes stupid, and im like y did mike have ur phone, and joeys like i was in the bathroom...and then i though u were in teh bathroom for 3 hours??!?!!?!(we were talkin for about 3 hours) well my friends think( and so do i) that he was there there whole time he was texing me. but we text like everyother day and stuff and he "bumps" me in the hall and stuff but i dont look at him because its awkward, and if i smile i DONT want to make a fool of myself. so what you've heard do u think he likes me?? and do you have any tips? cause i have NO idea what to do. P.S. im in 8th grade and he's in 9th grade but it mostly started last year

Which of these fairness creams are the best for me?

best is just to apply some sunblock lotion or cream before any out door activities, dont start with cream whitening products as yet.

W15: Should I start Sammy Morris or Warrick Dunn? Whos safer?

Morris is probably the safer play, He has a touchdown in back-to-back weeks, and now draws the Raiders, the league's 30th-ranked run defense. Morris might have a host of other backs threatening to steal touches, but he's the most suited option of the bunch in goal-line situations, and that makes all the difference. Start him as a No. 2/flex with confidence. While with Dunn ceding carries near the goal line to Cadillac Williams. Still, his yards-per-carry average is still top-notch of late, and Atlanta offers far less resistance to the ground game than the Panthers. I'll go with Morris.

What can be said about the specific heat of a good conductor vs. a poor conductor?

a good conductor will have a higher specific heat therefore a higher specific gravity when multiplied by delta T = rate of change, and the m

What is a good idea for a American Literature project over Edgar Allan Poe?

Our cl has to come up with a creative project dealing with Edgar Allan Poe for American Literature. The teacher said it could be anything, some are doing a bulletin board over him, others are re-writing some of his stories. Does anyone have an idea of what I could possibly do for this project?


personally i think its peyton manning, tony gonzalez and ray lewis, they all have put up great numbers since the year they started and i think they are the best of all time.

Did you hear about the couple who won $50k on the lottery, after they got their dog to kiss their ticket?

I'm pretty sure the ticket was a winner whether the dog kissed it or not, as it was a scratch-off lol; the most I ever won on one of these was $1000, and the crooked store owner that sold it claimed they had already paid out the winner on it.... we never did get the money, despite efforts on our part to go thru the Nebraska Lottery Commission and other agencies.

What name goes well with Maliah?

My husband and I are having a hard time finding a middle name! Our last name is Ramirez. Any suggestions?

A little gross question... I'm worried?

Yeah, bronchitis and pneumonia sounds about right for your symptoms. Just be patient, follow your treatment plan (drugs, re-hydration, etc.) and you'll get better. You shouldn't dehydrate if you are using those Popsicles. You'll probably gain the weight back as fat but you're losing it as fat right now so you won't be any worse off. (I lost 10 pounds in three days of being lost in the wilderness and got most of it back fairly quickly after my rescue.)

How can i get used to sparring in the ring?

iv started training in a thai boxing gym but i am scared of sparring i dont know y i tend 2 get really nervous and feel useless, i havent sparred yet but thats the felling i get wen i have 2! im scared 2 get hit in the face ...! plz and i mean plz how can i get used 2 this! plz answer !!!!

Is brett favre injured or is he still starting?

Ugh I am a Viking fan and I don't care what you Yahoo users say but I saw that game on Monday vs the Chicago bears and from the intensity while he landed on the ground and the after take I don't think he is coming back for the rest of the season. The Vikings don't have anything to play for there out of it.

Why are so many teenagers allowed into Iraq? Do you believe it is a fashion disaster?

PLease. Im sorry but i dont agree. FASHION? In iraq? wow. They shouldnt care about fashion when they can like DIE out there. Get a life im sorry. I love fashion too but seriously, this is too much.

IPhone --to buy or not to buy. that's the question.?

The answerers have a point, but you should also take into consideration your lifestyle. Do you really need an iPhone? Or maybe you just want it but not actually need it? If you think you can survive with your Nokia with 3G phone, I'd suggest you make use of it first. Time's hard lately. You just lost your phone so I guess you have to give yourself first a breather. Besides, you're lucky your parents still bought you a replacement-with 3G. Not all parents do that. If the time comes that you will really need an iPhone, it would be a good opportunity to buy one since you can afford it anyway.

Help me,what should I do?

32 years ago i met a girl we'll call Kelly and we were very much in love However she was 15 and i was 21. Our families never approved of us and after 2 years of sneaking around to see each other we broke up and went our separate ways. She ended getting married 3 tines having 3 kids one is 28 and the others are under 12, and she is still married to here third husband who refuses to give her a divorce and she is seeing a guy named Yogi. I have been married for 25 years and have 2 kinds anda granddaughter. Recently kelly and i found each other again via face book. after a lot of name calling. yelling , cussing. crying, amd laughing , we realize we are still in love with each other. what the hell should I do?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Should I accept this trade offer?

no i think Forte is playing better than MJD, and Rivers better than McNabb, ud be weakened at both positions, makes no sense, even if your weak at RB. Make this trade better by putting in Williams or Hightower for Forte

Why do my nose feel congested when i sleep with the fan or a/c on?

i feel fine when i have the fan or a/c on when im awake but when i go to sleep with them on, i wake up in the morning with my nose being congested. what seems to be the problem?

How gory is the movie "Watchmen"?

I'm a big superhero movie person, but I've been reading that Watchmen is very gory. I'm wondering just how gory. I'm pretty squeamish . I can watch people getting shot and stabbed that's no problem for me. I've seen movies like The Mist, which I know is not anything super gory, and I watched that guys arm get ripped off by a lion in the happening, along with people get their throats slit in Sweeny Todd , which I know was very unrealistic. I watch medical shows, such as House and bits and pieces of Grey's Anatomy as well. None of those things bother me terribly. So how would you say the blood is in "Watchmen " in comparison to the things I've listed above. Please and Thank You.


xps can run games alot better and dont listen tot the macbook air guy they only have core 2 duos and are crap the specs are so much better on the xps it has way better speakers 8 gb of ram and a 750 harddrive plus an i7 with an awesome video card uhhhhhh nerdgasm

Help me with these growing up issues!?

Hello, I am Bob, 14 and going into high school as a freshman. I have two questions really, first one is somewhat relevant to health but going through puberty has got me wondering if my is an average size for a male like me. I am 5 foot 5 and 120lbs and have a 6 inch . I know that people change at different rates, but I am curious to know if this is average. Second question is regarding fertility. I recently had to undergo surgery as one of my testicles could fully descend and the other testicle descends and ascends frequently but usually stays down. Does this affect my fertility in any way as I know they need to be a a specific temperature to produce sperm. Thank you.

How many fish should I have in my fish tank? (50 litres)?

I have had a 50 litre tropical fish tank for around 2 months now. I currently have 2 black mollies, 2 leopard danios, 1 guppy and 5 small glowlight tetra. How many fish should i have in a tank of this size?

Finding pH chem question?

The concentration of Mg2+ in seawater is 0.052 M. At what pH will 99% of the Mg2 be precipitated as the hydroxide salt? [Ksp for Mg(OH)2 = 8.9 multiplied by 10-12.]

Are you afraid of death or dying?

i am not afraid of death its self, but i am afraid of what happens after death. where will i go? what will happen to me? will i just disappear?

How did your parents react when you first came out/introduced them to your first girl or boyfriend?

My wifes' family knew my family before we were both born. We didn't meet until we were grown though. Before my wife came out of the closet she partied with a group of people that my sister hangs out with.(THEY NEVER DATED ) So my wife knew my parents before she knew me. I ended up going to work where she worked & that's where we met. After about a year she came out of the closet & we started dating. We have been together for about 10 yrs now . We are doing the family thing now raising our kids & going to church.

Who else is considered an old master in drawing?

We've got to do master studies in figure drawing cl, but I can't think of any other masters except Raphael, Michelangelo, and da Vinci. I know there were more!!

Desktop Icons and Taskbar disappeared (Vista)?

I have no clue why but My grandmother used my computer and when she exited out of the internet the desktop icons and taskbar disappeared. Everytime I restart the computer they reappear for like 5 seconds and it's gone again. It shows my desktop background but if I do Ctrl-Alt-Del I click on task manager and then it makes my screen go black and thats it. How can I fix it? I'm on my laptop atm

Northern Hemisphere VS Souther Hemisphere?

nonenz, Are you writing a short story ? Lol!!! jstjkg..Southern hemi. is by far the king of rugby union. We may not have the pesos or huge backing but we've got the smarts , endurance and the muscle to make the northern side want to hire us to teach them how to play the game they started. ha,ha,ha,ha!!!!!

Is there anyone looking for Workman, Tackett family?

My father was Curtis Edgar Workman, born 1934 Ohio Died 1995 Ca. My grandpa is Allen J. Workman born 1914 KY died 1980 Ohio. My grandma Nellie Lorena Campbell Workman Hughes Born 1915 Ohio died 1987. They had 6 kids. 2 died as babies. Ky.My mother is Thelma Tackett born 1933 still living. My grandpa Dorise Tackett died 1964 Ky. My grand ma Enda Mae Morris Tackett. They had 8 kids.

A girl who is my friend rejected me even tho I didn't ask her out she thinks shes better than me what to do?

ok this girl is probably the first girl i ever liked adn she kinda liked me at the the same time but the flame kind of fizzled out and she moved on to other guys. (this was in secondary school) now we're both in college and she has changed dramatically. i wouldnt like her again because she has changed so much. what i liked about her has gone and now she has started wearing makeup which i really hate about girls(no offence) any way i was walkin with her and her friend and her friend did that thing where they bring up past romances and as soon as she mentioned our past she gave the most terrible look as if something had truly disgusted her.but she didnt see that i saw her reaction adn i was pretty hurt by this....any advice???

Substitute teacher called my daughter a tramp. How would you resolve this matter?

My daughter is a freshman in high school. A substitute teacher called her a tramp in front of the other students in her cl because she wrote the words love and hate on her hand. She took this very offensively and said it was disrespectful. How would you feel if it were your daughter and what would you do about it? My daughter has never had discipline problems at home or at school. She is a very sweet girl.

What does the imagery of the angel standing in the sun represent?

The certainty of Christ's victory is proclaimed by an angel, followed by a reference to the mustering of enemy forces and a fearsome description of their annihilation. The gruesome imagery is borrowed from Ezekiel 39:4, 17-20.

What movie was the Jurors screaming and cheering about during OJ Simpson?

I've never heard of this but I'm very curious as to what the answer is. Email it to me? That is, if no one gets it soon.

Pros cons space exploration?

I do not really see any cons to space exploration, the pros are definitely there though. We can learn and experience a lot through space exploration, provided that we fund the right researchers, and not waste money on NASA who has not accomplished much since the moon landing.

Why do mexicans brag to much about how "GOOD THEY REALLY R"?

Yeah you might of lead against Brazil in the Finals but your team was ****** up enough to lose the game. But anyways the Confed Cup was the past, the gold cup was the past, both teams have changed since than and we'll see tommorow who's really the best.

Basketball Trade?

I dont think West is ever going to be coming back. He's having surgery i believe. Im not sure, i think so. I think, you have too many pg's on your hands. tinsley definitley needs to go. find a decent forward. and i would drop dunleavy, or trade him.

Barca Lossed to hercules?

Ahhh oh well. We win some and we loose some games in life we must move on. GO BARCA. I'm pretty pissed off with the RM win dammit. i wanted them to loose so that we could be in the same page you know. But now its given RM fans the right to blab their mouths and RIGHTFULLY so. They won we3 lost they have the right to say anything they want.

How should I handle my ex?

There’s advice on your particular question located on It’s a site where anyone from anywhere in the world that went through the same experiences/issues as you’re going through are able to post their own advice on the topic for other people such as yourself to read. Check it out it’ll help you with your current troubles and any others that might happen. The site again is

Does anyone care that the 'Iraqi shoe thrower' was tortured by his own country?

The guy embarred their Prime Minister; he's lucky to be alive. I don't give him long to live, if he doesn't shut the hell up.

The elderly couple murdered in their own home- 3 arrested?

Child murderers in jail get to pay the penalty over and over again in jail I hope its the same sort of penalty for killing the elderly by inmates these guys deserve what they get .

Samsung BlackJack II?

What are your opinions on the Samsung BlackJack? I have read that it was really good other than the battery but, thats quite alright. If you have one, please tell me about it. Much appreciated! Thank you!

Is it true that Taurus and Leos don't get along very well? PLEASE HELP!?

I'm a Leo, and I have a crush on this girl at school who's a Taurus and I'm thinking of asking her out. This morning, she smiled at me. Her bd is May 7th and mine is August 4th, I just recently turned 17.

Help!!! how can i take the bottle away from my 15 month old?

I'm not going to lie my daughter is spoiled as she is my 1st. We took her pacifier at 2 months and she's been on a cup sense 6 months and has no problem, but we tried to take her bottle away at 1 year old and she screamed 3 hour straight every night at 3am for two weeks. She doesn't give in and I really need advice?!? I've tried everything including water in the bottle

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Iraqis targeting Christians...?

I just heard on the news that Iraqis are bombing churches (6 churches in 24 hr period) anyone know why? I am just curious since they didn't say anything beyond that they are targeting them.

Non mainstream christian music?

I'd really really extremely unbelievably enthusiastically appreciate it if someone out there could possibly give me some sites with a list of non mainstream christian artists. I do not, can not and will not tolerate radio friendly, poppy, giddy, corny, Michael W Smith, Carmen, Three Days Grace, Chris Tomlin played out bunkness. I personally like non cookie cut unique stuff like Mars Ill, The Chariot, etc. Thanks a ton!

I dont know wat to think....?

its 4 mnths since my miscarriage and my husband and i are sio ready for that lito person in the house. i had my menses last week. but i feel pregnant. could i? i get so tired easily and nauseus.... now how about the saying that if a couple is thinking too much of starting a family, it doesnt happen but wen ur minds are off it... is it tru and cud i be pregnant?

Is Hugo Chavez the most paranoid person in this planet?

Chavez along with his tyrannical friends, Ahmadinejad of Iran and Kim Jung Il from North Korea are the three paranoid stooges on today's world stage. Unfortunately, unlike the original three stooges they are not funny.

In Laws from H@#$?

When my husband and I were dating his parents and I got along and they had a wonderful relationship with my three kids and my kids loved going out to their farm, then this summer the husbands kids came to visit and decided my kids didn't belong there it wasn't their family. These two adults claimed to care so much about my kids and me and now they won't even acknowledge my kids presence when they come to my house and the kids are no longer allowed at theirs. I don't have a clue what to do and neither does my husband all we know is my kids are hurt and confused, the oldest is 14 and says fine their loss but the other two are only 6 and 8 and don't understand why someone claims to care one day and doesn't the next and what is worse these are "good christian people" that make sure they are in church every sunday. what a crock. Anyone been through this and how did you cope?

Should I take my ex back?

Help...please...Ok well me and my ex are both 15 and at the time we dated we was 13. We dated for almost 5months. I broke up with him because: his parents didn't know we was going out, we never saw each other outside of school, he didnt have a phone so i had no way of talking to him, his mom was really strict and didn't want him to go out anywhweres r be involved with any girls. To me it felt as if our relationship was jus a normal boy girl friendship that jus hugged, held each other close, and held hands during recess and stuff. Summer was coming up and i knew we wouldnt be able to talk r see each other while school was out. I didnt really feel anything but maybe a little connection. I think if I would of been able to talk to him on the phone, seen him outside school, got closer and mayb shared a kiss. He would of been my first and i would of been his first. I probably could of fell in love with him. It's now been 2 years and we take a cl together in high school and it's like everytime I see him I can't help but smile and giggle. When he's around me I jus wanna run up to him, rap my arms around him and never let go. I jus wanna sit and stare at him. I honestly think in my heart he could b the one. Everything was perfect and I jus can't get him out of my head...he now lives with his dad and I could see him on weekends and talk to him whenever.... What do you think I should do??? Should I write a note and tell him how I feel??? Should I ask him how he feels first??? How should i confront him on my feelings.... Btw in cl we always catch each other and have eye to eye moments and then we smile... Please all answers r appreciated....

Is it time for affirmative action to end since the new president is now black?

I've thought for a long time that the era of Affirmative Action should be over. I firmly believe that racism is always racism -- it's not just racism when it's convenient. No one should be given preferential treatment for their race just as no one should be discriminated against for their race. Same goes for gender. I'd never want to receive something just because someone needed to check their "white female" box.

How to send email to all of moderators at the same time in yahoo group as owner or member of the group.?

how to send email to all of moderators at the same time in yahoo group as owner or member of the group.?

What is the difference in the words irrepressible and obstinate?

they are both synonyms for eachother ( and are adjectives)and i must know or be able to tell the difference between them for a quiz tom.

Teaching job in thailand!?

I was ask to go teach english for the summer. I get to choose from phuket, chang mai or bangkok. Now the pay is only 900 dollars a month. Isn't that like nothing??? But they pay for my condo and transportation. What do you think? I thought about it. Cause I want to see what thailand is like. But than when they say 900 dollars I was super shock.

Can someone tell ne what i need to do for my dog she scratches her area all the time?

Hello my name is Brandy and i have an adult female who starches her area almost all the time.Im thinking that it is both the area and the pee pee area.I am just wanting her to feel better.I was told it could be worms or fleas that have been ingested by the dog. i don't know which one it is.So how could i myself know and figure this out?

Good romance books for young adults?

The hunger games does not involve vamps or wizards and it is not a romance book till the middle of it. And the second book catching fire (sept. 1st!) will definitely be way more romantic!!! I LOVE PEETA!

What website would you find a picture of Hans Janssen?

Hans Janssen invented the comopund microscope. He mostly invented it but they give alot of the credit to his son Zacharias. I can't find a picture of him and I really need to for school reasons.

Should hinduism be regarded as religion or just civilization, like romans and egyptians?

hindu name was given by persian invaders to indus vally people.hindus believe in different god and goddesses just like romans and egyptians use to believe earlier.hindus don't have any founder but a set of philosphies and vedas, hence it is a civilization.therefore, jesus was born to a jewish family, mohammed was born to a arab civilization family, buddha born to a hindu family and guru nanak born to a hindu family.but all founded different religions because hindus, jews, romans, arabs were on wrong by saying that guru nanak was born to a hindu family, is was a hindu is a foolish and stupid thing to say. hindus was never a religion but a civilization.

I need a list of 50 things you can do with an alligator. Its for a cl.?

Any suggestions are welcome, even if they are way outside the box. Please help! The weirder, the better!


This happened to me to today, the deposit is missing by about 1000.00 where did the money go and will I ever see it?

My roomate dev keeps farting..stop?

he ate lots of potato skins and now its like dude stop farting, keep in mind this is mixed with beer farts..any ide??

Why do white people have "indian village" summer camps and "Indian princess" girl clubs?

I was at the store and i saw this white dad and daughter wearing plastic "native' outfits and their were in some type of girl scout type group, and the same summer i saw a group of "indian guide" white boys boy scouts Style group. The white kids had fake teepees(tipis) and a fake totem pole and they were accidentally mixing like 3 different tribes in their little "indian camp". I know most white are racist to Natives and believe the same old les about native history. But i dont understand why they USE so much of our culture. They have native "mascots" for their colleges and now these so called "native" groups for little WHITE kids to play india and brag about their 1.0997664 percentage of "possible" cherokee is with all these culture stealing?...wasnt the white race satisfied with stealing the land?

How do I get my hair to look like this?

brush all your hair out and straighten it all (any straightener, prefebly rounded) and then take sections of the hair and roll them around the straightener, then poof it up with your hands. works everytime trust me!

Roomate got me evicted...?

So my boyfriend and I moved into an apartment with one other friend. Me and my bf put down the first months rent and the security dep. The next month, we had to pay for our roommates rent too. Then for the next month he managed to pay his share of the rent. Well, I lost my job, so our roommate and my bf made an agreement to split the rent between the two of them to cover for past rent that we had paid. Well the day rent was due, was the day both of them got paid. Our roommate said he wasnt goin to pay for my share any more. My bf paid for me and himself leaving us with no extra money. Our roommate never paid his share. Well the next night our roommate got drunk and punched several holes in the walls of our apartment. One of the holes actually goes all the way through the wall...which makes our 2 bedroom apt into 1. Now we are all evicted and gonna get sued for breakin the lease and damages. Can me and my bf sue him for the deposit? Is there any way for us to get what we deserve?

What emotion am i feeling?

so.. sometimes when i watching movies or something, i feel this really weird feeling. its not bad. but like, i was watching the movie secreteriat tonight (great story) and i just after he won the 3 crowns whatever thing at the kentucky derby, i just was feeling something, like,, man, amazing, i wish i was there to see that live... so its not reaslly wishfull. its weird.. like, when i was watching american idol, carson higgins was preforming, and i was just feeling something like, i love him, hes sooo amazing.. i wish i was there... and.. ughh. im sooo annoyed by this emotion becuase its like, just such a strange sensation. does any one else feel this??? like im feeling it right now, thinking of the amazing horse big red. or secreteriat.. its just sooo amazing.. its such such such a weird feeling.. omg. please help. and dont make funn of me. please...

Do Home Insurance carriers charge more if you have an attached garage or a fireplace in the house?

I always wanted a house with a fireplace but the fireplace is located in the DR. Seems pretty typical for this style of house. I saw another house without a fireplace. Both properties are aesthetically appealing and both has their pros and cons. But if the house with the fireplace would mean a higher premium, I may be inclined to put an offer on the house without.

How would you get rid of a person lurking around your window?

I live in an apartment near a college town and i've been robbed once and recently I caught a person looking into my bedroom window twice. So I put up curtains and nothing for a while but I heard it again and its winter so I could see his footprints but i didnt see him. I know where he will walk but I don't know what to do to catch him i was thinking like a bear trap or something (not cheap or safe) and I don't think cameras will help its dark.

What is it with the star of David?

What s so special about that star,i don t understand,to search in Bible would be looking for the needle in a haze stack...thank you!

Was FDR right that Public employees should have never been allowed to Unionize?

Everyone should have an opportunity to be the captain of their own ship and master of their own destiny. The GOP will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.

Will this video card be compatible and is it a good card?

your computer have a pci express 16x slot so you can use your video card,but you need a 450w power supply for your x1950 pro.

How hot...? you like your shower? I like my backside on fire when I step out of the shower? How about you?

Does low self esteem cause desperation?

I have low self esteem and when I date women its even worse. I become too clingy and I do everything they say sometimes. How can I stop being desperate?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why Can't People Be Upfront If Something Is Bothering Them?

Say you've become friends with someone and you've conversed for several months, learning about each other, sharing life experiences, you have a lot in common, you laugh and have great long conversations practically every day. Then suddenly, without explanation that person just "cuts out" with no explanation whatsoever. Why can't people be straightforward enough to say what is on their mind, or what is bothering them? This is a male/female friendship btw, and seemed to be a very good one. Do people ever realize how much hurt they cause by treating other people this way, or do they even care???

Creepy/Gothic Cartoons?

Pon and Zi (more like pictures) Coraline lol and pretty much everything on cartoon network oh or south park!!!

Would the fact Mr. Obama has agreed to make modest changes in his proposed tax cuts (Cont'd)?

I think Obama is just now starting to figure out what he got himself into. He learning that being the messiah of the sheeple, the bright and shining star of his party and the golden boy of the media isn't as easy he thought.

Ipod touch help please look i've asked this so many times and i've gotton crap answers?

okay so i put the songs boom boom pow and low/apple bottom jeans on my ipod touch idk how many times and it like stops in the middle of the song and won't play for each of them but they work fine on my computer so can anyone tell me what i can do ? should i take it back and get a new one i have the warranty is there anything i can do to ifx it ?i don't pull it out before it's done charging and i've reloaded the songs many times

Is today's standard of 'beauty' unreachable?

basically... its the same thing at my high school. except girls actually bring straighteners to school which is ridiculous. Miranda Kerr put it best when she said that there really is no such thing as "looking like a model" because everyone comes in all different shapes and sizes.Most girls have dimples and freckles where they might not want them. I agree. Plus a natural face is usually a beautiful face.

Should I give my 12 year old tampons as well as pads?

Give her access to both but explain to her that if she wants to go swimming she's going to need to use a tampon. I used pads from I was 12 until last month. (I'm 15 now) It can be scary to use tampons (I should know..) but you need to explain to her how to use them properly or else they'll hurt or feel uncomfortable.

What kind of store can I buy flavored stevia at?

I tried Smiths and they just had the dietary supplement. I am looking for all the flavored ones. Would I need to go to a diet and supplement store?

Slash's Solo Album ?

Is anyone here excited about slash putting out a solo album this year. The only thing that may let the album down is the singers he chooses. Ozzy and Fergie have already been confirmed to sing on the album. Ive got no problem with Ozzy but Slash and Fergie what was he thinking. It has also been rumored that Robbie Williams and Fred Durst will sing on the album. Apparently Slash has demoed 14 songs for the album so uming that the 4 singers ive mentioned make it onto the album who would you like the other 10 singers to be.

How to compare blood pressure?

I need to compare blood pressure, and im not really sure how to do it. I know the average is sys: 120 and dia:80 but i don't know how to compare! is it just like fractions or what? :/ help please. thanks.

What to use instead of coroplast in a c&c cage for a guinea pig?

I already have the cubes. No sign stores near me that sell coroplast that i could use. Ive searched everywear no one has it and I cant buy online. What can I use instead of coroplast for the bottom of the cage? I would be useing Fleece as bedding if that would help at all. please any answers would be appreciated.

What are the components of ATP?

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. Adenosine is made of the amino acid adenine and a ribose sugar and that ATP contains 3 phosphate groups, so the answer would be "a".

Did i get my bf the right thing for valentines day?

I got him a teddy bear that's holding a heart which says kisses. I also got him a cologne that is called mustangs n has like a pic of the front bumper of the mustang and i love mustangs so whenever he will use it i was hoping he would think of me and it smells nice too. && i got him a heart shaped box of Hershey's chocolate. I also have a cartoon picture of me and him and i was wondering if i should write him a love note on the back of it and make him a fake rose out of lace? So basically my question is that what i got him is okay? and should i do the love note thing on the pic n the fake rose?

How can I convince my parents to let me go skiing with my friends?

I went on a school sanctioned ski trip last year. The problem is this year, my schools not going skiing and my parents only let me go on school sanctioned trips because they can't ski or snowboard and if they took me skiing they would be in the lodge donig nothing and they wouldn't be able to see me and if i got hurt and i couldnt move or something they wouldnt know. I asked them the other day if I could go skiing with my best friend. Her parents know how to ski and my mom said no because she didnt want to put me into someone else's responsibility. Yes my parents are very over protective. Please help me!!! I have never scolded or yelled at my parents or done anything bad and they trust me its just that they dont want be to get hurt.

Does he like me or not or just flirting?

Don't ask him out! He has to do it! Especially since he just broke up with a girl, and he could be flirting to try and get over her or get back at her. You don't want to be rebound girl! Just keep being sweet and nice to him and flirt with him! Wait for him to make the move.

Do you think im being selfish?

i wouldnt say you were being selfish, this would annoy me a little too. There must be a reason why she has made these decisions? but by looking at what you have written i would say that she is being a little selfish. You should talk to her about how you feel. If your close enough, that she makes you her bridesmade you should be able to talk to each other about these things.

Is this a stoichiometric amount for mixing Mg(NO3)2 = 86.30994g and NaHCO3 = 84.00661g to make MgCO3 + NaNO3?

Ive tested this by mixing equal parts of both chemicals and adding hot water to it. There was a precipitate of MgCO3 and NaNO3 left in the solution. I haven't tested this exact weight yet because my scale is broken. I want to know if these equations will make Sodium Nitrate and Magnesium Carbonate stoichiometricly

Poll: Johnny Depp, Jared Leto, Hugh Jackman?

If you had to snog one, sleep with one, and marry one (which includes snogging and sleeping with on a regular basis) which would be which?

Sociologists have in the past several decades developed and refined a specialization called applied sociology?

Like applied psychology, it focuses on coping with problems rather than studying what causes those problems. In what ways can sociology contribute to the more effective resolution of social problems at the individual, group, and community levels?

Hows my baseball fantasy team?

Extremely solid team, but you're 2B and 3B are the weakest links. Try to see if some F/A out there are doing well enough where you could drop one of them. Also try seeing if Drew Storen, Joel Hanrahan or another new closer is available.

Help with which top to wear with this outfit?

Okay, so i'm a girl and I have biker boots and a black body con skirt can anyone suggest a top which would go nicely with this outfit? Thanks

What is the best way to deal with slander?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

A new night club in our town has opened. every wednesday is ladies night, ladies get in free and have their?

first drink free. i am a woman..i mean i am all woman. all the guys like me. any hoo, this night club didn't believe i was a woman and insisted i pay cover charge. i threw a fit! i didn't have my drivers license because the court took it away last year. i was going to drop my drawers to prove that i am a woman, but the bouncers put me in a head lock and i had to leave. what are my legal resources? has this happend to any other ladies out here???

In CSS, how do i remove spacing between elements? I have borders, padding and margin set to 0 in everything.?

I have my top navigation bar as an image map, and then a div element with a background image which need to be perfectly aed to each other, the two images need to be visually continuous. With both images as elements they align, but with the div there is a white space in both IE6 and Mozilla. It looks like some sort of vertical padding on the div, but I have all padding/borders/margin set to 0.

Please suggest me some new SHOES?

Converses and Vans are probably what's best for you. They lean towards $50+ but you could probably afford them.

My challenge for the day... will you please read and critique this poem?

The only thing that gave me any pause was 'embrace the chill, feel no fear' and I really don't even know why but the poem all in all gave me a strange dream-like minute after reading the first time; the second reading I took in more of the nuances of each line and some are superb and others obscure and thought-provoking. I have this starred and I don't star often because I want to be able to find these gems more easily for future reading. Thanks!

How do you decide what is a healthy lifestlye?

I guess you have to decide for yourself through trial and error. One thing is certain though, we know that official types are not interested in educating us about health concerns, prevention etc, if it interferes with the economic interests of the powerful industries they are affiliated with. That is why the agribusiness/cattle industry has so much clout. Otherwise who would have heard about the Atkins diet ? It has nearly gotten to the point where when you see some recommendation from some source on T.V, its advisable to proceed in the OPPOSITE direction of what is being instructed. The vaccine craze is a case in point, among many. So we have to wade among the muck of misinformation and try to find our own way through. In my own case, I know from hindsight that when I was wolfing down meat, milk and packaged foods, I did have more health problems, and felt compelled to visit alot of doctors. Since I gave up the animal and processed "foods" years ago my worst concern has been worrying about the health of others. In answer to your last question about health claims I will think to myself who is benefiting from this claim, and does the government subsidize the makers of this recommended product. That should clarify everything.

How do u get an A ranking on resident evil code: veronica on battle game for all characters on ps2?

OK, so i've already gotten an A for Wesker and Steve, but when i beat Claire's battle game in under 7 minutes, i get a B. WTF?! I cant get an A for Claire's alternate costume or chris, either. Plz help me out so i can get the linear launcher for Resident Evil Code: Veronica. thanks.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Body Issues...Please Help?

Unless you are really short, you don't weigh too much. If you're eating healthy I am sure that you look great. Most girls worry about their bodies, but if you want to look good you need to get over it. I weigh 80 kg and guys think I look great in a bikini, despite my huge belly. I used to be scared to wear a bikini, but I realized that covering up didn't make me look any better so I started wearing bikinis. You should definitely wear a bikini without the shirt tomorrow. You'll look better without the shirt because a wet shirt only makes you look insecure and doesn't hide anything. You can wear a shirt there, but take it off when you go in the water. Even if your body isn't perfect (though I'm sure it is for you), if you're in a bikini you'll still look hot to most guys. Nobody cares if your body isn't perfect, and you're clearly not fat so you might as well wear a bikini.

I have dark circles under my eyes?

i have a dark ring under one of my eyes and this has never happened before? Usually when i get out of the shower or wash my face it looks all pink and swollen, it looks all wrinkled and im only 13? Nobody eles in my family has this too cause ive heard its hereditary but i dont know what is causing it and how i can get rid of it, Please HElp

Fantasy Football Trade?

Looks good to me. You are pretty deep at both positions. McGahee seems to be on the decline and you will need someone for a backup and i think the Thomas has more upside than Moreno.. Garcon is little more than a throw-in since Anthony Gonzalez will likely be back after Indy's bye this week.

Was Eliot displaying his good judgement when he decided to sleep with a tramp like Ashley Dupre?

I like how you call him by his first name as if you were one of his..."friends". All I'm saying.

As of today these teams are in.......?

Monterrey, Chivas, Morelia, Pumas, Santos, Toluca, Cruz Azul and America. Atlas, Queretaro and Pachuca still have a possibility, I guess Atlante mathematically has a chance but let's be real. What do you think will change today?

Which one of these amplifiers will power my sub?

Neither will work well.The first one at 2ohms only puts out 600 wrms while that sub needs 1000wrms.Plus that version of sub cannot be wired to 2 ohms anyway.The second one will be to powerful at 1ohm and too weak at 4ohms which would defeat the purpose of buying such a powerful amp.The second amp would be perfect if you got 2 4 ohm subs instead and wire those down to 1 ohm like this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is she a true friend?

Well welcome to my world, except i don't have any1 to turn ppl against me cos every1 is already against me! AND YOU ASK IS SHE A TRUE FRIEND! Question should reaD: IS SHE A STUPID B*TCH THAT BACKSTABBES HER FRIENDS, WHO DOESN'T KNOW A WORD LOYALTY! Now you know wth is yo problem! You ARE TO FORGIVING! You should f*cked her off 1st and you wouldn't be in a situation like this!!! Btw do not compete, 1 day when she has no school no job, when she is ALONE and fugly (f*ck + ugly) you could laugh at her face, thing you need to do now is DO THE SAME FOR HER! I mean i would NEVER, EVER EVER NEVER!!! TRUST A POPULAR GIRL REMEMBER THAT!!! And when some1 makes fun of a person that has cancer that is out of the ******* line! Thing you should do, is confront her, get a small tape and record every mean sh*t the ***** says to you, make sure you don't say things back to her, try crying and then show it to teachers, to your parents and evera1, if it is the real deal! Setup is a grate way to get back on some1! They are tons of ways you can set her up! Being alone isn't the worst thing ever, just be sarcastic with her, THAT **** BURNS MORE THAN ACID, weapon against arrogant and stupid!!!

Can anyone check my grammar, grammatical mistakes and sentence structure of the below sentences please?

After successfully completing my undergraduate study in Civil Engineering, I feel completely satisfied with my decision to choose engineering as my career option, as to me it is the most pragmatic and down-to-earth approach to tackling human problems. My decision to major in Civil Engineering was result of my desire to contribute something beautiful to the society, direct impact of Civil Engineering on every individual’s life and importance of infrastructure for development of a country. I was fascinated by the fact that something built on the face of earth is nearly eternal and hence carries forward the name of its builder forever.

Would you say that judge Judy is a bit of a bully on the bench? or is it just 'show'?

I say her attitude has always been one of a self-righteous new york bry type. Pity her husband, he needed to get out behind a bench out of defense, and he survived the Bataan death march in 1941. I bring this to the table because Obama is about to push another 'bully' into our top court. in her eyes, she is still a 'victim' of white American men.

Should I join athletics if I'm good at sprinting and I can jump really far?

I've tried out for cross country but I have no stamina to do that but I'm really good at sprinting. Should I join athletics at my school?

What do these symptoms sound like to you?

An internal tingling sensation between chest and upper abdomen. It is worsened with increased gas after meals. Tingling experienced for about 2 months now, has increased after a meatball and beans stew two night in a row. It seems to be above the stomach, but I am no anatomy expert. Please help, because I am going to see a GP on Monday, and I would like some opinions before I receive treatment. THANKS IN ADVANCE!


So i was in my friends car listening to this song, and it clearly was gwen stefani singing. I literally went through all of No Doubts songs, and i could not find it. It kind of has a romantic sound to it. and then about half way through the song there is this "old fashion" sounding trumpet/ drum break down. If anyone knows what this song is, or might be please post here. Thanks in advance :]

Does my case hold water?

I let a girl stay in my home after she turned 18. She put holes in my walls, ate 200 dollars a week in food (no exaggeration, I had to pay for it.) Her dog would pee on my floor so I had to buy the cleaning supplies. I bought her cat litter for her cats which she said she would pay back. We kicked her out after 30 days because she was not paying us for the rent and utilities and she was not taking care of her animals. My house smelled so bad. When she left me and my roommate cleaned the room she was staying in and there where stains on the floor from her cats and on the walls where the male had sprayed. I spent over a hundred dollars in cleaning supplies. We told her that she owed us $223 for the rent and $13 for the cat litter. because she was our friend we were going to let some of it go because of that. Now she is refusing to pay us what she owes us. Can I take her to small claims court and sue her for $400. For the cleaning and other expenses and since we kicked her out she has been slandering my name. Can I sue her and win? What do I need?

If the Arab world cared so much for the plight of the Palestinians, why deny them rights to citizenship?

Because the plight of the Palestinians is Iran, Syria, and Sudans's excuse to keep the region destabilized. A destabilized region makes it easy to fund terrorist causing further destabilization. Hence creating a rich environment for tyrannical governments. The best thing for the Palistinian plight is a liberated and free middle east.

What is in your survival kit?

I'd be too busy getting the animals in the car to think of material things. I travel a lot with them so we're ready to go although if it's that big of a disaster I suspect it isn't going to be that easy.

Route through South America?

I am planning my trip through South America but unsure what route to take. I will be arriving in Panama City but from there I am unsure whether to go through Colombia>Brazil>Argentina then across to Chile route first. Or should I go through Peru (Cusco)> Bolivia> Chile>Then cross to argentina???? Any recommedations suggestions???

Nazis attacked Gifford over Health Care Vote, agree?

When the voices of a party (Beck, Limbaugh) speak of fear and the evil and their hate of the opposition, and the leaders of said party tacitly endorse them by allowing it to go unchecked and without identifying the differences and lies in their statements. They then are tacitly endorsing the fear to seep from the top down to the clones of the mes. And this is the result. Sarah Palin, Brewer and every other radical: a quote from the last time we had delusional m hysteria "Have you no sense of decency, at long last. Have you left no sense of decency?" Shame on them.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How does one stop being co-dependent on another person?

I have a male friend with whom I became too co-dependent because, although our friendship is platonic, I find him real attractive, and became too attached to him to the point of he got scared away from most communication. He's still my friend (and even tells me so), but is mostly steering clear. I want to be the person he knew in 2007. I was not co-dependent then. How can I get rid of being co-dependent, short of writing my feelings in my journal? (It's not like I woke up one day and said, "I'm going to be co-dependent.")

Sergio Romo has been filthy do you think the giants will trade him?

He was so filthy yesterday that he had to take three baths in order to get the dirt of from those strikes he threw as fast as putting a buck on a hookers . But enough of the metaphors and similies do you think they will trade him? The giants obviously have too many pitchers I mean what are they gonna do with either Volgesong or Zito once Sanchez comes back? They'll need to get rid of one or two pitchers. Zito and Sanchez are wothless by now Volgesong has been doing good. Cain? He's the work horse Tim the face of the franchise so that really leaves Maddy and the bullpen who goes and who stays?

Did NASA predict doomsday in 2014?

i read that in april of 2005, nasa discovered a "chaos cloud" and is headed directly towards earth and can destroy anything in its path: stars, planets, asteroids. it has been estimated to reach the earth on june 1, 2014 at 9:15 am ET. Will this doomsday scenario come true unlike 2012?

ually frustrated and afraid of what I might do?

I'm 21(almost 22), and my girlfriend of 4 months is 19. She does not get along with her father and he obviously feels likewise but I dont believe there was every any abuse of any kind. This seems to stress her out, along with the fact that she has two jobs and we usually see each other really late at night. I love her and she loves me but it seems as though all I ever do when I see her is pick her back up and just barely get her out bad moods. I dont mind doing this usually because of course I like making her happy. I love everything about her and know she doesnt cheat as she's kind of traditional and we spend all our free time together but the low drive she has, just seems to get worse and I end up feeling sort of depressed over it. A couple times she has said she is aware of my need not being met but says she is simply sorry. I am really starting to feel depressed and it affects other parts of my life. Neither one of us likes the fact that I use o to get off either.

Is it possible to use ocean water for crops?

Agriculture uses the most water in California. Would it be possible to build distilling plants that take the salt out of salt water so california can use it for things like crops, lawns, car washes, etc.? I know fresh water from the colorado river and resevoirs have minerals but Im sure we can add some to distilled salt water. Laying down pipes and channels to get water to crops and cities is possible because thats how water from the Colorado river gets to California cities like LA and San Diego. Building distilling plants (not green plants that grow from the ground; the other plants, kinda like factories) would make more jobs. I know money isnt an issue for the government to build these because they spend billions on war and war technology. what do you think?

Did you read that yahoo article about taxes?

No, I didn't. I never will. Oh, I might learn what the article was about, I might already know it. But I will never think of that information as from that "yahoo article".

Do you think honduras will beat puerto rico?

in the fifa 2010 world cup qualifiers.There on fire right now.They have beaten Colombia,Paraguay,Guatemala,Panama,and Ecuador.But they cant understimate Puerto Rico you know remenber what happen to honduras in the last gold cup.They were eliminated by guadalupe.

I got dried up battery acid in my mouth what do I do?

I had a flashlight thats been in the garage for years the batterys were corroded somehow I got a few pebbles in my mouth on my tounge whats going to happen will it burn through my stomach and tounge?

Hypnosis stories?

I recently got hypnotized and did a lot of funny and crazy things. These included thinking I was a cat, forgetting my name, dancing, giving a lap dance, and being stuck to the floor. Anyone out there ever been hypnotized and what is the funniest thing you did while under. Thanks!

Dockers suede comforter washing directions?

I have a brown dockers suede comforter, the lable has worn out and I want to know if its ok to wash it in a normal cycle.

How did the military dictatorship able to govern Brazil for more than two decades?

How was the military dictatorship able to govern Brazil for more than two decades from society, economy, foreign relations, and politics ?

Feel sick when I wake up early?

I have the same problem. so what I do is drink a bit of cold water everytime I wake up to also wake up my stomach in the morning. Try eating just a little bit in the morning like a small bowl of cereal (not too much milk if you dont want to throw up). it works for me so it might for you :)

When can I start holding my rats?

I'd say don't just take your mom's word for it. I respect the hell out of my mom, too, but I'd still wait until a doctor had the last word. Go get your ringworm checked out by a professional, and wait until they say it's fully cleared up before handling your rats. Better safe than sorry-- pet rats can be so fragile!

What is the poem "THE RAVEN" about please.. Edgar allen Poe?

The narrator goes mad responding to his own speculations about his lost love. Many of Poe's poems and stories are about grief and madness. He was very haunted, and I think he died of rabies, but not from a raven. From a pet cat.

Image cutter software and Image enlarger software?

hi does any one know of a software that can cut an image into lots of other images, and another softare that can up the size of a image without losing much of the detail? something freeware would be nice but if not anything else will be cool to :D thanxs

Exposed zipper trend?

this dress is not slutty! im sure your friend was just fooling around. just make sure you keep it zipped all the way up. :)

Any Iron Maiden songs you would recommend?

I really like "The Trooper" and was wondering if there is any other Iron Maiden songs that are really good.

Is my testicle permanently damaged?

Well I was playing football I had my phone charger in my pocket while we were playing.I was thrown a p and this boy ran in to me full speed and POW!!!The charger in my pocket struck my my left nut I wasn't in pain or anything after that.But the next day their was a dis comfort in my groin area as I walked so I went to the job corps nurse and she said it was a contussion and gave me some pain pills and she said everything will be fine.But I noticed I don't *** as much as I did before the accident and I still have a lil discomfort in that area.What I wanna know is will I be able to father children and did I permanently damage anything plzzz help!!!

What's the real meaning of the song "Right Round" by Flo Rida?

About Flo-Rida getting a BJ and the girl spinning her head/hair around to go down...and how he's spinning her head too.

How to rephrase the phrase "scheduling conflict?"?

Any ideas? My company was doing a training but not enough people signed up so we need to reschedule until the beginning of next year. I don't want to say "scheduling conflict" because it makes it sound like we werent prepared.

How much is this Adolf Hitler letter, with signature, worth on the market, I know of no other example?

Well I don't think it is worth much, because it could be a forgery. Do you realize that in the 1980s, "Stern", a major German magazine, printed what they believed to be Hitler's diary? It turned out that these diaries were a forgery. Pretty embaring for "Stern", and I'd say people have become a little careful about Hitler stuff.

Short Story Ideas for The Chinese Earth Dragon?

A hero sallys forth to slay an ancient dragon rumored to live in the mist shrouded mountains near his home, upon arrival the hero finds that the dragon is quite intelligent and sociable, the dragon offers him a choice of two gifts,he must pick only one- a basket filled with grain or a basket filled with gold and gems.

Why do you think it's now related, in part, to a guy (it feels tainted)?

I think what's happening is that you seem to lack control of certain aspects of your life and by you controlling your eating you are trying to make up for these other areas which you cannot control. This is a serious recipe for major problems with anorexia which could become a very problematic to your life and your health if you do not learn to handle these intolerable aspects of your life.

What to stock my fish tanks with?

i think you got your stocking options about right. BUT goldfish ARE cold water fish and need to be kept a little cooler.

How do you clone weed plants?

so ive tried twice now this summer to clone weed plants the first time i uses rooting hormone and left them for 2 weeks under a small light in water and they slowly i am tryin a second time and i bought Super Phosphate and now they have been sitting for 2 weeks in a box with no light but it has water in the bottom and each clone is in a pot of dirt mixed with the phosphate and they look like ****!! what am i doing wrong!!!

I need advice on the atkins diet...?

me and my fiance are planning on getting married next year and i need to lose like 60 lbs. ive been on the atkins once and i no it works, i would just like a little more variety, does anyone have any recipes, no fish please! also how has the atkins worked for u?

Can we all agree that Nathan Poe should be canonized as the first Saint of R&S? ?

True, he isn't a regular here, but Poe's Law applies here as much if not more than most other places on the 'net.

Is it true that senator mcain eats dead kids during pow in nam?

i mean if he really ate kids in nam as a pow i dont blame him...its means of survival and if ni didnt know if its human meat i woulda ate too. would u?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011




honestly u dont need pitching, i wood put berkman at 1B if in ur league he can,(idk how teixeira plays 3B, or maggs at1B) But a trade offer could be Kemp,Bay,and Reynolds FOR Maggs and crede. Honestly try to trade with someone else u dont need his players

Where can i watch the full show of SNL?

okay where can i watch a full video of SNL with Taylor lautner for free on my computer?? hulu isnt letting me do it. :'( a link would help BIG time THANKS :D

Ellen page on snl " skit" question?

what was the signifigance of that skit? obviously people go on there and make fun of what people say about them by doing a parody or skit, but with this skit i was confused as to why she did that? are people saying she's a ? does she know that there are rumours? kind of confused.

What WWE Legend deserves a DVD based on his career?

I say Jerry Lawler....his time as the King of Memphis had some of the if not the best feuds in the business. Be it as the AWA Champion against "Cool" Curt Henning or Kerry Von Erich in the unification match. Or as the 800 time USWA champion....the man was always a draw no matter where he went.

AFL premiers Geelong Cats?!?!?!?

Do you think the AFL premiers Geelong would win the Grand Final once more time in season 2010? give reasons :)

Are emotions chemical bodily functions or spiritual?

Emotions could be considered both, but mainly emotions are brain functions, and seeing how your brain uses different hormones such as serotonin, adrenaline, etc., it could be argued that emotions are specifically chemical functions. They can be spiritual, for someone who is a spiritual person. But take agnostics and atheists. They do not necessarily believe in spirituality, so would you say that their emotions are purely chemical? Possibly yes. But, mainly emotions are functions of your brains reactions to certain stimuli.

Could i be lactose intolerant?

It could have probably been the cereal. Usually when someone is lactose intolerant they cannot eat anything that has milk for example ice cream that is a big no no if they eat that they will start feeling different and you didn't you said nothing happened. Another things that lactose intolerant people cannot eat is cheese, yogurt mainly anything with milk. Maybe you should trying eating a different cereal and if you get diahrea again it might be that the milk is not doing you any good.

How does minimum wage increase work?

No. minimum wage dictates the lowest hourly wage an employer may pay an employee. It does not increase the pay of those earning higher than the new minimum.

What is A/The PDA?... NOT public display of affection, i am talking about the phones/computers...?

A personal digital istant (PDA) is a handheld computer also known as palmtop computers. Newer PDAs also have both color screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones, (smartphones), web browsers, or portable media players. Many PDAs can access the Internet, intranets or extranets via Wi-Fi, or Wireless Wide-Area Networks (WWANs). Many PDAs employ touch screen technology.

Pda with out the phone.?

What is a good handheld Device that you can store all your meetings and things in without it being a cellphone.

What do you think of this, people?

For a Christian teacher to try to resolve any contradiction between religion and science is inappropriate and shows weakness of character if not lack of faith. Children understand well enough that different people have different beliefs and there is no reason for such contradictions to be hidden from them like obscenities.

Do fry tanks need filters?

One of the molly fish I just bought apparently gave birth. I didn't see it happen, I didn't know she was pregnant. Most of them must have been eaten because I only noticed them when I cleaned the gravel with my hose today and had 2 live babies in the 10 gallon container I let the water flow into. My filter had one dead one in it and when I looked up I saw a small tetra eating another fry. I've never had fry but I know they deliver more than four. I don't see anymore and my tank is 55 gallons with over 30 small fish and is pretty densely planted so I'm not uprooting the whole tank to find the rest. I put a spare heater I had in the 10 gallon container that has water from the tank (I sucked all the poop out and put in some clean water). I did crush up some flakes to a powder form because I have no idea how long they've been in the tank with no food. I don't have another filter. Do they have to have a filter?

So, the other night...?

so, the other night i was very hungry so i decided to get up and get something to eat a maybe a drink of water, and i was attacked by the alligator or something when i was going down the stiars... what could it have really of been, beacuse it probably wouldnt have been a alligator, but the bite marks look like alligator??

What would you do if u liked a guy/girl that u hardly ever saw?

okay there's this guy that i like but he's from a different school and i really dont see how we'd see each other unless i hung out with one of my friends because her boyfriend goes to the same school as this guy...BUT her boyfriend has a truck and this guy doesn't yet so the only way to see him would be to go to my friends house every weekend and i dnt think i could hang with her every weekend...what do i do?? i've never went out with anyone that didn't go to my school but the last time i talked to this guy from far away it didn't really work out and it caused major heartache because i got attached and it wasn't working out for him or me...tell what to do:[[

The best places to eat in fort worth, tex. and why did you pick them?

i know there are articles that come out and say which are the best but i wanted to hear from anyone who has ever been 2 fort worth.

Do you believe in platonic relationships between a male and a female?

Do you believe that a man and a woman can be friends, and only friends, with no ual tension whatsoever between them? Just wondering as I saw a CNN article about this today.

Looking for a song, grime song?

well, its the background music issimilar to "head shoulders knees and toes" by k.i.g, but its not exactly the same, but fairly similar. has kinda fast beats, and is defo by a british artist, grime artist....and suggestions? i don't remember the lyrics that well, and btw, it is definatly not "low" by flo-rida, god :P, any suggestions?

A Noachide question?

So If I am a Noachide and not a full Jew can I accept Mohammed as a prophet, but not Jesus, can I not be a muslim but still a Noachide. If you do not know what a noachide is don't answer.

Theres a game i was just informed it was on windows 95.?

This game you had to go around and collect letters to be able to spell out a word to gain access to the next level. you also had to avoid things like fire and alligators and what not while trying to get the letters. i'm not sure what the name of it is can i get any help? also i was just told that they believe it was something jungle.

Have you ever done this?

Gone for a number 2 and sat on the toilet for so long, reading or something, that when you got up you forgot to wipe your backside, and you spent all day going around like that? You didn't realise until you went to the loo again and saw the mess on your underwear.

Would Heath Leger be the third actor to win an Oscar in a crossdressing role?

As the Joker in The Dark Knight, Heath Leger spends a small amount of time in a candy striper's uniform. It looks like he will be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Dustin Hoffman won a Best Actor Oscar by crossdressing in Tootsie, and Hilary Swank won Best Actress for Boys Don't Cry. Would Heath Leger be the third person to win an Oscar in a cross dressing role?

I need a side idea to go with a dinner I'm preparing. Any ideas?

how about jalepenos stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon. bake for 30-40 minutes, or until bacon reaches the crispyness you want. be sure to hollow out the jalepenos or else it will be really really spicy.



How do you play the Bruce Springsteen Santa Claus is coming to town on Sax?

I want to do this song for my church for the christmas season but can't find anything for it on Saxophone... Does anyone know how to play it? And it has to be the Bruce Springsteen one.

My grand kids need help the lady that live next door to them has there mother cat and one of her kitten?

the lady that live next to my daughter has two of my daughter cats lock up in her house my young granddaughter call for the cats the mother cat she try to get out the window my daughter been over to the lady house to get her cats back but the lady hide from her this woman don't like animal or kids on her property when my daughter land lady live next to this lady she still the kids bike I told my older granddaughter to call the police and the news people get them in on it anyone else ever had a problem like this .

Friend kissing sleeping friend?

my friend said she is a light sleeper, but i rememeber years ago that we had a friend who was a coming out (sammy). and we had a big slummber party at a friends place. my friend tiffany (light sleeper) was laying on the floor near (Sammy). sammy was kissing tiffany on the cheeks twice then her forehead. if tiff is a light sleeper would've she gotten up and say "WTF"!?!?! she just layed there and sammy lay down by her.

Should i do this trade??

i have johan santana im being offered b.j. current 3rd basemen is pitching is stocked with clemens,morris,f.hernandez,zambrano,rich hill and escobar.should i make this trade??

What should i do with my turtles?

I'm 15. I have two red-eared slider. and they're getting bigger and the tank is too small for them. I don't even have a garden. My parents are giving them away to the crocodile farm, they said i should set them free. but putting them in the croc farm aint really free after all. I was wondering if i could put them in a pond in a jungle. will they be safe in the wild? Or beg my parents to let me keep them? =/

What's a good wedding gift for a Bengali couple?

I'm from Bangladesh and it's usually traditional to give some some sort of jewelry to the girl. i know its weird, u'd think u'd buy something they could both use, but its traditional to give jewelry. nothing extravagant. something simple is fine too. but then again, thats tradition. you can try a dinner set too, i got a lot of those on my wedding. but i don't think people would expect you to be so traditional these days. my favorite gift from my wedding was a huge digital photo frame.

Why is everyone talking about Mel Gibson this few days? What did he do?

There is a claimed recording of him abusing his ex-girlfriend down the phone and people believe that she may be a victim of domestic violence. Due to this he has been dropped by his agent and all upcoming work for him has been put on hold.

Can someone check my letter to the Queen of England?

i loove it! its just formal enough that its appropriate but also honest and humorous... something im sure she or whom ever receives this letter will appreciate

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How can I catch Rayquaza on PokeMon Ruby Version?

You can do this, once he uses outrage twice sitch to swablu, if it says he got confused put him to sleep other wise swap out then swap to swablu if that one faints and put rayquaza to sleep. I eneded catching mine in a poke ball (No joke) on emerald with one poke left and that was the last pokeball. I didn't use masterball on anything, wnated to clone that lol.

Is my boyfriend telling the truth or am I a mug for giving him another chance?

Hi, me and my boyfriend have been together nearly a year now, the relationships been amazing, we've had our ups and downs but don't we all? Anyway last week we went for a meal, we was going to the pictures afterwards and his friend and his gf was coming. To cut a long story short bascially his friend was bring some weed, i told my bf I didn't want him to have any cause he's had loads lately and I don't like it - he texted his friend saying he doesn't want any so his friend tb sayin u need to grow some , my bf txtd bk sayin 'its either weed or split up' in which his friend replied 'u cheat anyways and how many times you said you can't be arsed any more' ... The can't be arsed bit doesn't bother me as I know we all say it after an argument when were slaggin eachother off to our friends its the cheat part :( his friend said he was jokin afterwards and they both promise its not true.. My bf has swore he hasnt and he wouldn't do that, I've told him to tell me the truth numerous of times and ill even give him another chance if he told me the truth, he still denys it.. I stayed with him but now I can't seem to move on from that? The text keeps repeating its self in my mind! What person sends that text if they don't know they've cheated? You wouldn't, would you? I love my bf more than anything and want it to work, but if its not getting any better and I don't know how to trust him shouldn't I just walk away? Or should I give him the benefit or believing him? The thing is I could be a mug staying with him if he has cheated or if he hasn't and I left him or he's going through all this and he's innocent its awful! The bad thing is, ill never know the truth! Sorry for essay.. Please give some good advice :) xxx

Do you feel you get further through being rude and abrupt?

It is possible to get your point across without shouting or being rude. You actually achieve much more by being soft spoken professional and firm as you should have done at work. You should never raise your voice, you lose all dignity and credibility regardless of whether you're right or wrong.

Graduation gift dilema?

I'm going to be 18 tomorrow and I graduate highschool on Sunday. I have a job, so I already have everything I need right now. A car, a computer, a camera, a mp3 player. I don't really need anything, but my mom insists that she has to buy me something. I like to quilt but I don't know how much time I'll have for it in college. I'm just not sure what to ask for. What do you guys think?

If n is divisible by 3 and n is divisible by 4, can you prove that n is divisible by 12?

Doing practice problems for my discrete math midterm and this one is stumping me. They suggested using proof by case, but I'm not sure what cases to use. Any nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated!

Which label should i sign to?

Capitol records wants me to sign for 500,000. arista wants me to sign for 500,000 with 25,000 in advance and j records wants me to sign for 250,000 with 50,000 in advance.

Does anyone know where I can find Don't Cry for me Argentina piano music sheet?

I couldn't find it anywhere. I found a few primitive ones, but could anyone locate a good printable copy which is free and has the full piano accompaniment? Thanks in advance

Are the Steelers going down hill from here?

Do you even have to ask? I think we all know the answer to this question..... They are trading away their play makers(Holmes), their QB is turning out to be a trouble maker, they are becoming the Bengals in a quick hurry.

What should your CM be before your AF?

I have heard some women say they are really dry before their af shows and others say they are really wet. So if you are hoping for a BFP should you have no cm or watery cm? So confusing..

Ultrasound shows a left supraclavicular fluid filled m with blood vessels to it. CBC is normal?

in 2005 I know my LDH was slightly elevated at 333 with cause unknown. I have had one abnormal pap smear showing epithelial cell abnormality described as atypical squamous cells of undetermined origin. I have enlarged lymph node on left jawline area and under both armpits. I have severe flares of eczema chronically but the itching seems to be even worse lately in areas that aren't usually affected that much. I had a recent bronchitis that I took z-pack for not resolving so then I took biaxin. I have had vague symptoms of occasional difficulty swallowing or choking, I can't really say what precipitates it. I also have vague symptoms of lightheadedness, shortness of breath, abdominal pain. I missed a period a month ago(unusual for me no, not pregnant) Occional urgent loose stools within last year. I am considered morbidly obese at 5 foot 6 inches, and 280 lbs. I get regular chiropractic treatments. can anyone give any ideas what could be going on with me? biopsy in 3 days.

I can I look y but not slutty in this dress?

do a dark smokey eye that matches the dress it will make it more y that slutty and i don't think that dressing a certain way makes you slutty...unless the person is a slut. personally i like the dress and i'd wear it :) and wear simple heels no more than i'd say 21/2 to 3 inches, only if you like heels. if you wear heels with laces and have a lot going on that will just make it worse but since you want y go for simple heels and dangling earrings. hope this helped :)

Burning propane smell from 2 vent-free heaters hooked to the same tank?

We have 2 propane gas log heaters, both hooked to a large tank outside. We have had these heaters for a few years and both have been cleaned and even one just had the whole pilot mechanism replaced. For some reason, when the 2 fireplaces are turned on, we get a burning propane-like smell. We do NOT get that smell unless either of the fireplaces are on and burning. There is no soot coming out of either. There are no propane smells coming from outside near the tank. They just came out to fill the tank, since I thought it may have just been empty. What could be causing this smell? I don't ever remember this smell in the previous years. The fireplaces have been running for a few weeks, so, it would seem that it would have burned out anything that has aculated over the summer.

DrHelpWithStuff? Who has talked to him?

never heard of him if i need to talk to some one i just talk to my friend about it and what is on my mind its a women friend not a guy

I need some questions answered about Global warming?

Do your own homework. Studying this global warming fantasy, is not only making our young people soft of mind. It is apparently making them lazy too.

With the Colts finding gems in Garcon and Collie, should they stack up on defense in the draft?

I think with Gonzalez, Clark, Wayne, Garcon and Collie they are good now on offense. A couple young running backs as well. They always pick offensive guys in the first round. I think they could use a nice pick on defense.

Please recommend a vacuum cleaner for a 750 sqft house with small carpet?

I have never bought a hoover or a vacuum cleaner and need some recommendations. Dont want to spend too much money on it. Will mostly use it to vacuum my carpet. Please provide links for recommendations.

In the great gatsby, how is gatsbys character?

I read that book a while back ago. I dunno I didn't see anything great about him lol. The story ended pretty badly too ,: /

How many tax evaders, cheats, and theives are in Obaama's cabinet now?

With all the allegations, and proof thereof, going on now, I can't keep up with it all. This stuff is too much; a veritable obama-rama, if you will....

Help With My Ares??

I've just downloaded ares, im downloadin a film wich hasnt finished yet but i previewed it and all i can hear is sound and see no picture. Whats wrong? I dont want to have wasted my time when its finished if i can't watch it? Please help.

Is Santa Claus real??

Some people I know say yes, some say no. If the answer is no that he isnt real then I dont understand how they can have the book called "The Flight of the Reindeer". I have it and have read it and its about the one and only man who successfully made it to the North Pole and went to Santas Village. Theres pictures of reindeer flying the the village in it. The book is hard to explain but maybe you have read it ...

Can I claim that I'm African-American if I'm from south africa and white?

I can't get into my preferred college because my grades are to low but I can get in under affirmative action.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where do you think George Bush will rank among the presidents?

Personally, I would put him towards the bottom with Hoover. Due to going to war with Iraq under false umptions, allowing 9/11 to happen, unconstitutional practices and his horrendous economic policies, he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents ever.

Question for mandarin speakers please.?

Is --qu lai ping an ---a four character expression for go and come safely?? I hope you know what I mean by 4 character expressions or idioms. Thanks.

Christians, how is your god materializing everything from nothing any different than genie from aladdin?

Good question, but you're wasting your time, asking christians questions disproving their beliefs, and expecting to get an actual answer.

Physics help with average speed of a foam dart gun please?

If you convert 10m/s to miles per hour it ends up being about 22mph. So 9.125m/s is just below that and that could easily be reached by a foam dart gun. You wouldn't want your kids shooting each other with foam darts going over 25 or 30 mph, after all!!! :-)

"ZW cad 2009" has anybody used this software.?

I have used auto CAd and i am learning it . Now i also downloaded ZWCAD 2009. Is it any better than auto CAD. it seems both are same. Are they? should i also learn this software?

Can someone give me the link to Terminator Salvation trailer?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why does Israel have problem with Iran Nukes?

Israel is surrounded by countries that dont like it. Israel is a heavily armed nuclear country, that hasnt declared its nukes, but threatened to use them in Yom Kippur war on the brink of destruction even. Sooner or later one of these arab countries was going to get a nuclear weapon, cant stop them forever. It was expected, Israel is not best friend with those people anyway. So i dont see what the problem is? I think if anything was to be done it would have happened by now.

What are your thoughts of Paul Nixon to save Delhi Giants VS Chandigarh Lions of ICL season 2?

in last bowl delhi giants need 5 runs to win.paul nixon in strike .took four.after bowl out 2/0 delhi wins.chandigarh out of semi final.200 runs is a highest score for delhi giants.mishra is doing excellant preform.what good match

Time spent in Mitosis and Interphase?

I just need to get my facts right. I read that 90% of the time cells are going through interphase , and 10% of the time they are going through mitosis. Is this right? But how does this differ between plant and animal cells? My teacher said that plant cells go through a longer mitotic phase than animals. That would mean that interphase in plants is shorter. If THAT'S the case, how long DO plant + animal cells spend in interphase and mitosis? o _ o;; Please help!

I need ideas for his birthday!?

It's for my boyfriend and I'm doing a countdown week for him so .. not just store bought things! Like mix CD's, baked goods, pictures, etc. are what I'm looking for. I need little thoughtful gestures and lots of them!

Confused about a guy?

So today was the first day of school and we had to stay in homeroom for the whole day because the teacher had to tell us the procedures and what not and toured us around the school. There is a guy in my homeroom and I've liked him since last year and we've talked and joked around with each other for a while. Today I noticed he kept looking at me and he did it a lot. When we toured the school he nudge my shoulder and said "oops, sorry" teasingly. So, jokingly, I walked in front of him and said "oops, didn't mean to cut you off" and smiled at him. He gave me a confused kind of look and went to the bathroom. I was confused on what I did wrong. Later on I noticed he kinda side ways glanced at me during the tour and that was it. After that he completely ignored me, however he was around his guy friends. So my questions are; Is he annoyed with me? Is he ignoring me because he was with his guy friends? I'm really confused. Thanks to everyone who replies!

Beginning of my prologue (a tad bit long)?

It's pretty good. Rayne's attitude made the story feel more alive. Lay off on the cussing, though. It turned me off.

Who saw the new South Park?

oh my god... I did not see that coming! ... I had a gut feeling it was a Denver Bronco but not Tenomens dad!

Who wins the AL West?

Angels should win the division, but Mariners could give them a run for their money. Weak division top to bottom in my opinion. doubt the Rangers or the A's will do much.

Why the people in the most muslim developing countries are not accepting critics well?

It's about fear, insecurity, indoctrination, oppression and the lack of freedom. And ancient thinking.

S name suggestions for girls!!!!?

Serenity is actually a good name...but since your Irish (and if that really matters,) then Saoirse is great too.

What is a General Ledger in accounting and what does it contain?

The general ledger, sometimes known as the nominal ledger, is the main accounting record of a business which uses double-entry bookkeeping. It will usually include accounts for such items as current ets, fixed ets, liabilities, revenue and expense items, gains and losses. Each General Ledger is divided into two sections. The left hand side lists debit transactions and the right hand side lists credit transactions. This gives a 'T' shape to each individual general ledger account.

Who owns national geographic magazine, or national geographic news?? Are they owned by same ppl?

It would appear both the magazine(s) and news are both joined at the hip to the National Geographic Society

What can use to secure the felt to a banner that I've just made?

I've just made a soccer banner for my daughter's team made out of felt and fabric. The banner itself is a piece of 4ft X 3ft piece of felt. I know that I should probably just sew on the pieces to really secure the banner, but can I spray something on it to reinforce it (i.e. spray adhesive, scotchguard) that's as strong as sewing the items on there?

Are women smarter and more cunning than man?

I do agree than men can't read between the lines, they are very linear thinkers. Sometimes men are just CLUELESS. Men are just different than woman, not better or worse just different.

Using microsoft works word processor, how can I create the symbol meaning "registered trademark"?

You know, its that cute little circle with the "R" in it. I have searched all of the fonts, and it doesn't sem to be there. I can build one, but then can't seem to be able to place it at the appropriate hieght, so it just looks stupid! Any sane help would be appreciated.

Is my blood pressure too high?

I'm 17, my SYS is 135 and my DIA is 65. I read that a SYS over 120 is dangerous but my DIA is lower then average. Is this something I should worry about?

Where can I determine cute diaper bags for boys ?

I am looking for quilted diaper bags totes or personalised monnogramed diaper bags. If anyone has any thought where the the best ones are let me know. Cipher to girly because my husband wont expect it. And it is for alittle boy. We are looking for a black, United States Navy, fleeceable, sorta like those colors.

How do I preserve my toast?

I'm an artist who was looking for a different medium. So joking around one night with a friend, I did a bad *** portrait of Nixon out of steak sauce on my toast. Turns out it's actually good enough to keep, providing I can preserve it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reason for my mother's random mood swings?

It is hormones and she probably isnt aware of it and she is close to being menopausal ask how she has been feeling lately talk to her maybe she doesnt realize how bad it is

Poem help what are they saying?

Alice Walker is brilliant, but I get the feeling she sometimes writes only for herself. What I think she is saying is that her mother forgave him for dying and whatever sins he had committed against her in his life. Death is the dawn of the next life, so she says "I'll see you in the morning." Ever heard "I'll see you on the other side" by Ozzy Osbourne?

Creationism VS Evolution...?

Well I would have categorized my self as a creationist, until recently. I just found out that they truly believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old and we all know that there are hundreds or thousands of proven scientific discoveries to dispute that.

s please help me become more accepting?

You just have to think about the fact that people do not choose to be gay and that they are the same as everyone else. The only difference is the genitalia of our partners. Being Christian really has nothing to do about it. Just think about it logically for a minute and you'll see that there is no reason to shun and look down upon gays.

25 things that symbolize Adolf Hitler(Doesn't meant to offend anyone). It something that has to do with Hitler

I have a history project about Adolf Hitler(This doesn't meant to offend anyone). I have to find 25 thing that represent him. I already got some of it but I am totally out of idea. I wonder if anyone on yahoo answer can help me and please don't give me non-sense answer

Why does God still flood us?

God promised to never flood the Earth. The world will never end with water again. He promised that the ENTIRE Earth shall not be flooded again. not that natural distaster like floods won't

Girl in 1985 U2 Bad Video?

Who's the blonde girl that comes up on stage during "Bad"? I thought Bono was dating Alli (now his wife) at the time but i don't think that's Alli.

Watching the gambling tables?

If I am under 21, am I allowed to watch the tables without participating? I'm fascinated by blackjack and would like to see it in action, but I have zero interest in actually playing.

What do you think of Forward Reverse for a christian band?

Me and my threee friends have a christian female performing group thats focused on overcoming temptation and were wondering if Forward Reverse because we are coming forward to say reverse your ways. sorry for all the typos lol. Or if you have any other suggestions thatd be great! thanks

What are symbolic of the Vietnamese culture?

I'm about to get my first tattoo. I was thinking of getting something to do with my heritage. I'm Vietnamese, so I was wondering what would be symbolic to Vietnam and the culture. Some ideas i had were dragons & phoenix's. I was wondering if Kaun Ti (the war god) is part of Vietnamese culture. Also what are the characteristics of the Vietnamese dragon, I read somewhere they have less claws and heads are smaller or some sort like that.

How long does a bruised bone to take to heal?

I was jumping on the tramp and i did a double front flip and my knees hit my face and i landed on my thumb i think i can move it but just hurts how long till the pain goes away or till heal.

Webkinz trade?

anyone want to trade webkinz items i have many i have the charcoal cat the chihuahua the pig and i also have two superbeds the stardust and daredevil super bed and many more animals all i am looking for is a schnauser jalopey or a kangaroo jeep or the flying saucer i am also looking for the sherbert bunny springtime bunny chair only answer this question if you want to trade my webkinz username is wear13

Help me please.........really needs help!?

Can you give me some contributions of Richard Michael R. Fernando/ Richie Fernando. please give the site if there are any................

Can u guys help me.....?

Okay i want a Marine body.Strong,Buff(Like The Guy In Wrong Turn 2),Stamina,Agility,,,etc Im starting a work routine Jan 1st till Sep. 1st.I need to know how can this be acheive.Im 5'9-5'10 285lbs and i decides to get in shape.Im 15 and i made my mind up and iwant to join the Marines....Also if u know the requirements that will help tp...Also i stay in Detroit,Mi so dont say go for a run everyday cause it be like 6-9 inches of but can u guys help me...? Thanx ~Im~Ur~Future~

I need a backpack for high school?

I am just entering high school and I need a big cool backpack. I like the ed hardy ones but i cant find it. I don't want an usual one like the jansport one or roxy, pacson, llbean or north face. I like the north face but everyone in my school has them. Where can I get a backpack like this? I don't want a tote. Please send links

Ways to ask my boyfriend to sadies.?

hey, okay so my boyfriend already graduated and is a marine and so he said he willl be able to come home for a couple of days, and he asked when so he can check, and so i said be patient and well now i need a really cute way to ask him. Any ideas? He's in boot camp in California, i really want to see him and to take him to sadies. Thanksss :D

There's no such thing as a stupid question...?

Anyone who believes "there's no such thing as a stupid question" obviously hasn't spent much time on this site.

Can you help me write a poem ysis for this poem?

This is a brief overview of Alice in Wonderland highlighting the importnat parts of her journey through there

Can you relate to these lyrics at all?

Yes. Sometimes I feel so cold. I try to ingnor some people that are nice to me because I want to be alone, but at the same time feel lonly. I'm so weird. Sometimes I do feel like theirs a hole in me, trying to suck the fun out of everything. I call it a concionce.

Ah! HELP! Potty Training!!!?

she is a small breed puppy which means she probably won't be 100% house broken for several more months. Walk her on a leash instead of simply putting her outside so she knows what you want her to do- be patient.

Do people think rap music makes Black girls seem promiscuous?

Someone asked me why Black women listen to rap music when it makes us look like "h0es" and even though I don't really like rap, I just never really gave it much thought. Even though the guys are Black, I kind of just ociated what they said with all women, and not just Black women, but idk. Do other people?